Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Macam-Macam Topologi Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan komputer memiliki banyak topologi. Apa sih pengertian topologi jaringan komputer? Topologi adalah cara pengaturan hubungan antarkomputer dalam jaringan komputer. Beberapa contoh topologi jaringan komputer antara lain bus, token-ring, dan star. Masing-masing topologi mempunyai ciri khas, dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya sendiri-sendiri. Yuk kita lihat satu-satu jenis-jenis Topologi jaringan komputer tersebut

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Sumpah Pemuda

Tentang isi teks dari Sumpah pemuda adalah sebagai berikut :
  • PERTAMA. Kami Poetera dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Bertoempah Darah Jang Satoe, Tanah Indonesia.
  • KEDOEA. Kami Poetera dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Berbangsa Jang Satoe, Bangsa Indonesia.
  • KETIGA. Kami Poetera dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mendjoendjoeng Bahasa Persatoean, Bahasa Indonesia.

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

My Idol

My idol is a singer from Japan, Rie Fu. I admire to her cause the way she sings. Beside, she is a pretty singer. My favorite albums are Decay dan Life is Like a Boat.
 Rie fu (リエ フゥ Rie fū?), born Rie Funakoshi (舩越 里恵 Funakoshi Rie?)[1] on January 11, 1985,[2] in Tokyo, is a Japanese singer-songwriter.[3] She resides in Tokyo but frequently travels to the United Kingdom to record and promote her work.

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

My High School

i go to SMA Negri 1 Tarakan, we usually call it SMANSATA. In my opinion, this school is the favorite school in Tarakan City. Because it has so many good program and fun  extracurricular for training the students.
But unfortunately, our school's building is still being built since 2 years ago. So, SMANSATA is "borrowing" SMP 2's building. But honestly, it's really boring to stay 'n SMP 2's building. It seems feel like we never graduated this school.... How boooooring T__T !!!!!